The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice -- sharing page 56 of the book you're reading
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Loth to end their privacy and encounter the sharp eyes that were on the watch for them, the couple lingered there, shouldered by apprentices; tailors; fishwives; horse dealers; cony catchers; starving scholars; maid-servants in their wimples; orange girls; ostlers; sober citizens; bawdy tapsters; and a crowd of little ragamuffins such as always haunt the outskirts of a crowd, screaming and scrambling among people’s feet —all the riffraff of the London street was there, jesting and jostling, here casting dice, telling fortunes, shoving, ticking, pinching; here uproarious, there glum; some of them with mouths gaping a yard wide; others as little reverent as daws on a house-top; all as variously rigged out as their purse or stations allow; here in fur and broadcloth; there in tatters with their feet kept from the ice only by a dish-cloth bound about them.
from Orlando by Virginia Woolf, page 56 ("the couple" are Orlando and the Russian princess).
I'm about halfway through the book.
O at Quaint and Curious Volumes picked Virginia Woolf's Women by Vanessa Curtis for the Friday 56 this week.
Second time seeing a Virginia Woolf book this week! Awesome! Happy weekend!